PopMM - 08/07/24 13:02

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* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1

The matchmaker is most active around 4PM GMT
The map of the day is:
Arena Deathmatch II (Timed) - Mothataka (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!

[13:06] Sherminator in
[13:24] Sherminator out
[13:31] Dougs in
[13:42] Dougs out
[13:46] doom97 in
[13:46] doom97 out
[13:47] rc_doom9718 in
[13:47] rc_doom9718 out
[13:47] rc_doom9718 in
[13:48] rc_doom9718> good morning guys
[13:50] rc_doom9718 out
[13:50] rc_doom9718 in
[13:50] rc_doom9718> this is empty
[13:50] rc_doom9718> lol
[13:53] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[13:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi jammy
[13:56] jammy> hi FreeMatt
[14:05] rc_doom9718> see you later guys
[14:05] rc_doom9718 out
[14:37] bockwurstlaune in
[14:39] merciless1 in
[14:42] dictatorjulio in
[14:45] dictatorjulio in
[14:46] dictatorjulio out
[14:46] dictatorjulio in
[14:48] dictatorjulio out
[14:49] [GoD]FreeInca in
[14:50] [GoD]FreeInca out
[14:51] [GoD]FreeInca in
[14:53] dictatorjulio out
[15:05] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:21] [AvA]Soma- in
[15:26] cyborg> eating
[15:27] [AvA]Soma- out
[15:30] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[15:30] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[15:33] Invisible in
[15:36] bockwurstlaune out
[15:43] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[15:44] Kick in
[15:44] Kick out
[15:44] Kick in
[15:49] Kick> how did i get promoted to warrior rank ive done nothing but lose games lol
[15:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> get better
[15:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol
[15:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I mean, you're already warrior rank, so idk
[15:50] Kick> i was a spy
[15:50] Kick> got promoted to warrior
[15:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> they readjust the leagues liek weekly
[15:50] Kick> by losing games
[15:50] Kick> ah fair
[15:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> so liek points for a game may change
[15:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> also
[15:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> challenged games
[15:51] [AvA]Soma- in
[15:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> those points are remvoed / added every so often by mods
[15:51] Kick> i see
[15:54] cyborg> soma join down here
[15:55] cyborg> bigbang and toruk wanna join soma
[15:55] cyborg> hes a good host
[15:55] jammy> Invisible said he will join
[15:55] cyborg> ok
[15:55] cyborg> but hes invisbile lol ? so i cant see him in lobby
[15:55] Kick> LOL gottem literally laughing and crying rn
[15:56] cyborg> then let me give it to you! @ kick
[15:56] jammy> cyborg u need to squint to see Invisible : P
[15:56] Invisible> yo take soma, im still in call with a friend. can take a bit
[15:57] Invisible> ciao soma
[15:57] cyborg> join bigbang and toruk
[15:57] Kick> Soma named after the game?
[15:58] cyborg> no , soma is the heir to pop 3
[15:58] cyborg> the chosen one
[15:58] Kick> I played soma the game, its so good
[15:58] cyborg> yeah
[15:58] cyborg> because hes a pro
[15:58] cyborg> i cant beat him
[15:59] cyborg> well i think the score between me and soma is 5/20 for him
[15:59] Kick> I can beat anyone at this game, not to brag but in single player it only took me 1 hour 20 to beat level 23
[16:00] jammy> join kick
[16:01] Kick> sure
[16:01] jammy> jammy + [AvA]Toruk_Makto vs. cyborg + Kick
[16:01] IncaWarrior> almost got the record: https://www.speedrun.com/poptb/leaderboards?h=Inferno-Any&x=l_29vyexn9-q254ywjd
[16:01] Kick> The rare inca flex
[16:01] Kick> I didnt even know pop tb had speed runs tbh
[16:02] Garbageman in
[16:03] dictatorjulio in
[16:14] Swedish_Pike out
[16:17] Incy in
[16:18] Invisible out
[16:23] only101_tsi in
[16:24] Garbageman out
[16:29] Sherminator in
[16:29] Incy out
[16:30] Sherminator out
[16:30] Garbageman in
[16:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma here
[16:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma there
[16:36] Swedish_pike out
[16:41] merciless1 out
[16:43] guitaryente in
[16:47] Incy in
[16:47] [Rw]Raver out
[16:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca
[16:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> rememeber when i set teh record?
[16:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> in your poll
[16:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> for most votes to become moderator?
[16:48] guitaryente> sess
[16:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> u POS
[16:48] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[16:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> hey soma
[16:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> did u know inca held elections
[16:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> for a moderator?
[16:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> i won overwhelminginly
[16:49] [AvA]Soma-> didnt know
[16:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> then inca decied to not count it after he didnt liekt he results
[16:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> this POS inca has teh audacity to pretend to follow politics now
[16:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> when he legit is teh bgigest pos i ever seen
[16:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> wouldnt u say that is soem of teh dirtest shit ever
[16:50] guitaryente> garbash join
[16:51] [AvA]Soma-> +1
[16:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> anyone?
[16:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> like are u familiar with 50/50 raffles?
[16:51] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + Incy + [AvA]Toruk_Makto vs. guitaryente + [Rw]FreeMatt + Garbageman
[16:51] guitaryente> shi
[16:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> lets say inca held a 50/50 raffle
[16:51] [AvA]Soma-> garbage join
[16:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> yall all bought in
[16:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> but then when it came time to picka winner
[16:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> and inca didnt liek who was choosen
[16:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> that hed jsut go n change teh rules and picka new winner
[16:52] guitaryente> ???
[16:52] guitaryente> cm here
[16:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma u ever win a raffle
[16:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> then the personw ho put on the raffle renigged
[16:52] [AvA]Soma-> no
[16:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> and said u didnt win?
[16:52] [AvA]Soma-> never
[16:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> could u imagine how unfair itd be if that transpired?
[16:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma?
[16:53] [AvA]Soma-> i don't understand what you want to say
[16:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> u dont understand?
[16:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> i dont get how u survive in real life
[16:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> if u cant grasp that simple concept
[16:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> should i give u another anaology?
[16:54] [AvA]Soma-> i don't understand why people don't surrender when his teammate is dead
[16:54] [AvA]Soma-> and keep 2v1
[16:54] [AvA]Soma-> dying
[16:54] [AvA]Soma-> until the end
[16:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> ok ill try again
[16:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> lets say u were running for class president
[16:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> and u overwhelminingly had teh support of the school
[16:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> you win the eleciton hands down by a large majority
[16:55] guitaryente> +1
[16:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> then the pricable of the school
[16:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> who does liek u
[16:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> says well i dont liek the election results
[16:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> im goign to let someone else win
[16:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> how would u feel soma?
[16:56] [Rw]FreeMatt> would that be fair soma?
[16:57] [Rw]Jops> Do you think people were voting ironically knowing if you won it would never be upheld
[16:57] [Rw]Jops> Its like, if a dog was running for president. And everyone is like ýýýaww look at his dumb little faceýýý
[16:58] [Rw]Jops> And voted for him because they like dogs, you wouldnt expect anyone to hold up those results and let a dog be president
[16:58] jammy> gg
[16:58] cyborg> gg
[16:58] Kick> gg
[16:58] jammy> soz toruk, couldnt help u much
[16:58] cyborg> that win was undeserved for me
[16:58] Kick> why
[16:58] cyborg> toruk was playing in sleep mode
[16:58] guitaryente> Thanks
[16:58] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi jammy
[16:58] [AvA]Soma-> dude have time to waste
[16:58] guitaryente> u screwed up
[16:58] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi cyborg
[16:58] cyborg> i didnt even need a defence
[16:58] [AvA]Soma-> osur come
[16:58] cyborg> nah
[16:58] cyborg> i cant focus
[16:58] cyborg> no point in playing
[16:58] cyborg> rn
[16:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Not your fault Jammy, wasn't ready for that volcano
[16:59] cyborg> toruk u played like a spy rank
[16:59] cyborg> i played like a warrior - rank
[16:59] Incy> what with spy rank
[16:59] Incy> o.o
[16:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Wow, that's the rudest thing you've ever said to me, Ossur
[16:59] cyborg> lol not intentional, im just saying i didnt play well either
[16:59] [AvA]Soma-> ++1 fast
[16:59] Kick> man my pop went way up that game compared I think
[16:59] Kick> Actually dismantling OP
[16:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> Jops home come this dog smokes u in pop?
[16:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> what happened to saying I'm always improving?
[16:59] cyborg> when i cant focus
[16:59] guitaryente> bruh
[17:00] cyborg> i play like a spy rank
[17:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> You always shower me with praise
[17:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> guys u dont have a game
[17:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> cuz soma kicked me
[17:00] cyborg> and this game i played like a spy rank
[17:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> cuz soma afraid of inca
[17:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> cuz soma cant have a unbias discussion
[17:00] cyborg> its the same in chess tourneys
[17:00] [AvA]Soma-> i kicked you because you have time to waste
[17:00] cyborg> i cant focus
[17:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Soma kicked you bc you were stalling the game, hw
[17:00] cyborg> so i lose to 1000 elo
[17:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma ur the one wastign time
[17:00] [AvA]Soma-> i don't have time
[17:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> when u could be ina game right now
[17:00] jammy> there should be new achievement for me... kick was coming to my base, and doorbell rang, pizza guy... ran without pausing, took pizza, got to pc and defended base :kekw:
[17:00] Kick> gottem
[17:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma open game up
[17:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> so u can play
[17:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> ur wasting ur own time
[17:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> cuz u liekinca too much
[17:01] guitaryente> Jammyc m here
[17:01] jammy> m here too guitaryente
[17:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> sorry guys soma has no time
[17:01] guitaryente> come come
[17:01] jammy> jk guitaryente, eating atm
[17:02] guitaryente> ;-;
[17:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> id join but soma rather i not join
[17:02] [AvA]Soma-> i prefer not play to waste 30 mins in lobby
[17:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> becasue he cant carry on simple conversation
[17:02] guitaryente> hw u just are doing poop w the game
[17:03] guitaryente> just play damn
[17:03] [Rw]FreeMatt> id play
[17:03] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma too stuburn
[17:03] [AvA]Soma-> dude
[17:03] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma on incas dick
[17:03] [AvA]Soma-> you have some mental health problem
[17:03] guitaryente> ._.
[17:03] guitaryente> Dats irrlvnt
[17:03] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma u couldnt carry on simple convo
[17:03] [AsG]Manl1 in
[17:03] [Rw]FreeMatt> and instead want to sit in lobby
[17:03] guitaryente> Manl
[17:03] guitaryente> cm here
[17:03] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi manu
[17:04] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma wahts teh matter
[17:04] [Rw]FreeMatt> u dont want to get better at pop?
[17:04] [AvA]Soma-> i am already better than you
[17:04] [AvA]Soma-> so you can't help me
[17:04] [Rw]FreeMatt> thats why u play with people named garbage man?
[17:04] [GoD]Intrepid in
[17:04] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi bianca
[17:04] guitaryente> Omfg bianca
[17:04] [GoD]Intrepid> sup hw
[17:04] [AvA]Soma-> garbage man is better than you too probably
[17:04] [AvA]Soma-> you are just a dick
[17:04] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma look at ur hut
[17:05] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[17:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> that is ur hut
[17:05] [AvA]Soma-> without the balls
[17:05] [AvA]Soma-> only a lonely dick
[17:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> u will always be in that hut
[17:05] guitaryente> Bianca join?
[17:05] [GoD]Intrepid> soma restricted. i guess cuz of hw :p
[17:05] [GoD]Intrepid> and not playing yet
[17:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea soma has no common snese
[17:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma brain liek dog water
[17:06] [AvA]Soma-> ossur join
[17:06] [GoD]Intrepid> lol lemme check your guys game list
[17:06] [AvA]JJaydenn in
[17:06] [GoD]Intrepid> oh you didnt even play
[17:06] [AvA]Soma-> jaydennn join mate
[17:07] [GoD]Intrepid> ye big dick jjayden
[17:07] [GoD]Intrepid> ava vs rest :kek:
[17:07] [AvA]JJaydenn> mm saying im 2 good 2 join
[17:07] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao ye
[17:07] [GoD]Intrepid> unristrict soma
[17:07] [GoD]Intrepid> :good:
[17:07] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Incy vs. guitaryente + [AvA]JJaydenn + Garbageman
[17:07] [AvA]JJaydenn> man i gotta ally 2 noobs lol
[17:07] [GoD]Intrepid> lool
[17:07] [AvA]JJaydenn> do walls
[17:08] [AvA]JJaydenn> not allying 2 noobs on sess lol
[17:08] [AvA]JJaydenn> make me center
[17:08] Kick> do anyone be playing craters any more
[17:08] [GoD]Intrepid> ask hw
[17:08] [GoD]Intrepid> he will
[17:08] Kick> nice
[17:08] Kick> my favourite map
[17:12] power> i like cr8s too
[17:12] power> but playing against hw, that i wouldt do
[17:12] power> guy is good
[17:14] [Rw]Raver in
[17:16] Kick> I mean sure, hw might seem good, but other than winning a lot of the time what else can he do do u get me
[17:18] ExLordDeath in
[17:20] [AsG]Manl1 out
[17:22] [Rw]Jops in
[17:22] [Rw]Raver> :>
[17:30] [AvA]Soma-> gg
[17:30] Garbageman out
[17:30] Incy out
[17:30] [AvA]Soma- out
[17:30] Garbageman in
[17:30] [AvA]Felo in
[17:31] jammy> wait getting ping
[17:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi felo
[17:31] [AvA]Felo> hi
[17:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> soma sux a dick
[17:31] [GoD]Intrepid> :o
[17:31] jammy> map guys?
[17:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> guitaryente how do u have a full base but 20 pop man wtf lol
[17:32] guitaryente> sessssssssss
[17:32] jammy> ok
[17:32] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:32] guitaryente> Jjayden IDK
[17:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> how u noobs so shit man
[17:32] guitaryente> I was dismantling
[17:32] jammy> jammy + guitaryente vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Kick
[17:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> lololol
[17:32] guitaryente> But i was 20 pop
[17:32] guitaryente> i hbate
[17:32] guitaryente> walls
[17:32] guitaryente> that shit map
[17:32] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[17:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi jj
[17:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> tf was u doing with ur braves
[17:32] guitaryente> NOTHING
[17:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> ur whole pop gone and no 1 was attacking u when i bd
[17:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> and u had full base
[17:32] [AvA]JJaydenn> mind blowing
[17:33] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:33] [Rw]Raver> high level low leveling
[17:33] dan4eg in
[17:33] [AvA]JJaydenn> man not even i was this shit when i started here with maxed out res idk how u can be so bad lol
[17:33] [AvA]JJaydenn> and these guys playing 10+ years tf
[17:34] guitaryente> Ihate walls
[17:34] jammy> jammy + guitaryente vs. Garbageman + [AvA]Toruk_Makto
[17:34] guitaryente> I dont care just start
[17:34] [GoD]Intrepid> i just checked stats. i thought you were kidding jjay loool
[17:34] guitaryente> gettingstressed
[17:34] dictatorjulio out
[17:35] [AvA]JJaydenn> tbf garbagmen didnt play 2 bad still shit but guiltaryernte oh boy
[17:35] [AvA]JJaydenn> and i thought koopa was bad
[17:35] jammy> hi ExLordDeath
[17:35] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[17:35] [AvA]Felo out
[17:35] guitaryente> lol
[17:36] guitaryente> i dont rlly understand how i can make more pop
[17:36] [AvA]JJaydenn> i dont understand how u had full base with 20 pop
[17:36] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:37] guitaryente> Just building, but the houses arent making braves
[17:37] [AvA]JJaydenn> no 1 touched the dood either tf did he do kill his own men lmao
[17:37] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[17:37] [AvA]JJaydenn> u build pretty slow aswell guit
[17:37] rc_doom9718> Hello guys
[17:37] [GoD]Intrepid> hi doom
[17:37] [Rw]Raver> jay goin hard on a brave rank
[17:37] [GoD]Intrepid> hows the internet
[17:37] Mammy_Tas in
[17:37] [AvA]JJaydenn> i near;y had my full back base built before u built hald of urs
[17:38] rc_doom9718> Im in my phone now
[17:38] rc_doom9718> Lol
[17:38] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[17:38] [Rw]Raver> thats the equivalent of the USA nuking my house
[17:38] [GoD]Intrepid> yei see xd
[17:38] Garbageman> kindacringe getting mad at a brave rank for not playing like a bro lmao
[17:38] [GoD]Intrepid> hi :mammy: :)
[17:38] Mammy_Tas> hi :bian: :)
[17:38] [GoD]Intrepid> like a bro :kek:
[17:38] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> You're in your phone? That's not physically possible doom
[17:38] Garbageman> pro*
[17:38] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[17:38] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> unless you're a pokemon
[17:38] rc_doom9718> Yeah Bro
[17:38] rc_doom9718> Discord
[17:38] [AvA]JJaydenn> i aint mad i expected him 2 play like a retard but i didnt expect the dood to have a full base 20 pop lmao
[17:38] rc_doom9718> Lol
[17:38] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:38] Kick> expect the unexpected
[17:38] [AvA]JJaydenn> maybe he was eqing himself idk
[17:39] jammy> soz ExLordDeath
[17:39] ExLordDeath> rude
[17:39] jammy> looking easier game
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> did bigbang just kick exlord
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> looool
[17:39] Garbageman> you played like shit aswell
[17:39] ExLordDeath> yeah
[17:39] guitaryente> . . .
[17:39] jammy> btw ExLordDeath
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> classic
[17:39] Garbageman> dissapointed
[17:39] rc_doom9718> Why you name have "app" word?
[17:39] ExLordDeath> he doesnt like to play with me typically
[17:39] Garbageman> soma was getting better attacks than you
[17:39] Garbageman> until the end
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> you should have told him you are a girl
[17:39] [AvA]JJaydenn> im the only 1 who got in any base lol
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> then he wouldnt leave you alone
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[17:39] ExLordDeath> he thought i was for a bit
[17:39] ExLordDeath> xD
[17:39] Garbageman> your back base
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> irk lol
[17:39] Garbageman> you dont get attack at at all
[17:39] rc_doom9718> Where is jozef?
[17:39] Garbageman> unledd bd
[17:39] [GoD]Intrepid> idk
[17:40] [GoD]Intrepid> at work i guess
[17:40] [AvA]JJaydenn> soma was back base 2 retard i did more damage than him but u 2 shitters cant defend for shit or even lay a decent eq in
[17:40] jammy> ExLordDeath i'm planning on buying one of these... which one should i go for
[17:40] power> ye
[17:40] jammy> https://hips.hearstapps.com/autoweek/assets/s3fs-public/130509860.jpg?crop=0.8333333333333334xw:1xh;center,top&resize=1200:*
[17:40] ExLordDeath> mammy :D
[17:40] [AvA]JJaydenn> now stfu or ill 1v2 u both with 1 hand
[17:40] rc_doom9718> Im in work too, but taking my lunch now
[17:40] Garbageman> unless
[17:40] Mammy_Tas> :)
[17:40] rc_doom9718> Lol
[17:40] power> Lol jj
[17:40] Garbageman> my base way standing in the end
[17:40] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao still trying to impress you exlord
[17:40] [GoD]Intrepid> he still has hopes
[17:40] [GoD]Intrepid> you lie to him
[17:40] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[17:40] ExLordDeath> :LMAO:
[17:40] guitaryente> stfu jjayden
[17:40] ExLordDeath> yeah maybe
[17:40] [AvA]JJaydenn> dude u had no huts after soma got in ur front ur both shitters
[17:40] ExLordDeath> if he let me play i would've been impressed
[17:41] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[17:41] guitaryente> u played like a shit
[17:41] [AvA]JJaydenn> learn 2 play or cry like a little bitch
[17:41] [Rw]Raver> jjayden thinks because hes good at pop it gives him the right to be an insufferable prick lol
[17:41] [AvA]JJaydenn> id slam u both 1v2
[17:41] guitaryente> hahahaha
[17:41] [AvA]JJaydenn> make that 1v3 ill slam raver 2
[17:41] rc_doom9718> See later guys and stop fight
[17:41] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:41] Garbageman> duded retarted
[17:41] jammy> [22:10] ExLordDeath> if he let me play i would've been impressed
[17:41] Garbageman> i had 2 huts missing in the end
[17:41] jammy> we'll play together when we meet ;)
[17:41] guitaryente> Dats obv 1brave + 1 warrior vsa fucking nerd
[17:41] Garbageman> about 20 towers
[17:41] [GoD]Intrepid> omg lmfaoooo
[17:41] Garbageman> full base
[17:41] guitaryente> Get a life
[17:41] guitaryente> Or a job
[17:42] guitaryente> Fat guy
[17:42] [Rw]Raver> i bet my dad could beat up ur dad
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> riley plz troll that guy for me
[17:42] power> jj can 1 join too
[17:42] Garbageman> after having to defend from doubling
[17:42] power> lets do 4v1
[17:42] Garbageman> i cant help green died
[17:42] power> like we dis yesterday with meph some crap maps
[17:42] power> did*
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> dont even remind me power
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> :lol:
[17:42] ExLordDeath> bianca i cant do that to him lmao
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> why not
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> he deserves it
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> :peped:
[17:42] ExLordDeath> cuz im too pretty for him
[17:42] power> who you r talin about
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> LOL
[17:42] [GoD]Intrepid> bigbang
[17:43] [GoD]Intrepid> is hitting on riley
[17:43] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[17:43] power> lololol
[17:43] Mammy_Tas in
[17:43] power> heard that bigbang uaes another name currently
[17:43] [GoD]Intrepid> jammy
[17:43] [GoD]Intrepid> is bigbang
[17:43] power> ooouuuu
[17:43] power> makes sense
[17:43] jammy> ExLordDeath incase you haven't seen me yet, here's a pic of me
[17:43] jammy> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BR_oyj_CAAAWkRN.jpg
[17:44] [GoD]Intrepid> close enough
[17:44] power> sad that links doesnt work here
[17:44] power> on discord
[17:44] dan4eg out
[17:44] ExLordDeath> HUELL??
[17:44] ExLordDeath> omg
[17:45] ExLordDeath> +2
[17:45] ExLordDeath> +1
[17:45] Kick> love ur protein shakes man
[17:46] power> what flavour
[17:46] Mammy_Tas out
[17:46] Kick> unflavoured because im a sociopath
[17:46] Mammy_Tas> :eyes: my imposter left
[17:46] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[17:46] ExLordDeath> lol
[17:46] power> dude wtf
[17:46] power> it would be tastless
[17:47] [Rw]Raver> neutral flavour
[17:47] Kick> Yea, just like all the things I've done
[17:47] power> like ?
[17:48] Kick> that powerline I disrupted
[17:48] power> hmm ?
[17:50] [AvA]JJaydenn> garbageman + guitary = gay fucking noobs
[17:50] ExLordDeath> 1 sec
[17:51] Garbageman> ironacally you the one ones a fag lmao
[17:51] guitaryente> [AvA]JJaydenn> im gonna give ur mum some heavy backshots
[17:52] Kick> whats wrong with being gay
[17:52] guitaryente> Shut the fuck up fat man
[17:52] guitaryente> Get a job
[17:52] Kick> ill take all your dads out for dinner
[17:52] dictatorjulio in
[17:52] [AvA]JJaydenn> :kekw:
[17:53] Garbageman> you couldnt wipe out warrior bases and is shaman rank
[17:53] Garbageman> fake rank
[17:53] guitaryente> prolly
[17:53] [AvA]JJaydenn> how can i wipe out a base when i gotta get past 3 shamans cos u 2 suck dog dick
[17:54] guitaryente> Butanyways, he just need attention bcs he think hes cool
[17:54] Garbageman> should of have 1 of them dead in about 12-14 mins in game from bd with warrs etc
[17:54] [AvA]JJaydenn> tork ran his pop not gonna waste spells in there and i got in somas base 2 what did u do shit boy
[17:54] Garbageman> embarrasing
[17:54] [AvA]JJaydenn> apart from get ur base smashed n feed them mana
[17:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> 7-5 kd 40 pop killed u did fk all most the game
[17:55] Garbageman> you cant wipe out a warrior rank base as a shaman
[17:55] Garbageman> embarrasing
[17:55] Garbageman> and your back base you could of bd with warrs
[17:55] Garbageman> embarrrasing
[17:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> hw host a hut brah
[17:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> ive got better stats than both of u shit noobs combined n stats dont lie lool
[17:56] guitaryente> dats irllevant, u are blaming a brave rank XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[17:56] [GoD]Intrepid> [18:52] Kick> ill take all your dads out for dinner
[17:56] [GoD]Intrepid> :pog:
[17:56] Garbageman> your a shamn rank bragging that you got better stats than rpiest and warrior rank
[17:56] Garbageman> congrats lmao
[17:56] Garbageman> embarrasing
[17:56] MrSmokin_hottie26> they got u there jjay
[17:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> proving ur point wrong u spastic lmao
[17:56] Garbageman> do you have better stats when playing with shaman ranks
[17:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> on how u did fk all
[17:57] Garbageman> thats a bragging thing
[17:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> ur boy guli coming in hot with that 9-16 kd as a front base
[17:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> :clap:
[17:57] [GoD]Intrepid> lol poor jjay going in game trying to carry low ranks now getting shit on :kek:
[17:57] guitaryente> ?
[17:57] guitaryente> He started
[17:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> idc for points lol i knew it was a lost game but thought gonna give them a try
[17:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> but daym them aint even beat sp yet
[17:58] Kick> You know whats insane
[17:58] guitaryente> And idc, hes playing with a fucking brave rank, what did he expect?
[17:58] Kick> Every time I lose a game it's someone elses fault, like what are the chances
[17:58] guitaryente> Get a life man
[17:58] [AvA]JJaydenn> pair of shitters get good
[17:58] Garbageman> let bianca give him a bj
[17:58] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao
[17:58] guitaryente> hahahaha
[17:58] Garbageman> that pop lmao
[17:58] [GoD]Intrepid> just saying not many high ranks go in game trying to carry noobs
[17:58] [GoD]Intrepid> usually they just play high ranks over and over
[17:58] Garbageman> everytime a rank rank lose with lower ranks "you guys are shit why cant you play like me"
[17:59] [GoD]Intrepid> high rank*
[17:59] guitaryente> Lit
[17:59] jammy> bj from a skeleton... ouch
[17:59] MrSmokin_hottie26> but u both r fhkin shit but yall never admit it n the goes especially for garage
[18:00] [GoD]Intrepid> bigbang you rmaks slowly falls :>
[18:00] [AvA]JJaydenn> i gave u both constructive criticism with abit of harsh words and u both took it like a pair of little bitches as expected because ur both shit n woulnt listen 2 people better than u
[18:00] [AvA]JJaydenn> its why ur both gonna stay shitters
[18:00] guitaryente> ?????????????????????????????????
[18:00] guitaryente> U are literally talking shit
[18:00] guitaryente> Da heck
[18:00] [AvA]JJaydenn> what by saying wtf was u doing with a full base untocuhed 20 pop?
[18:01] [AvA]JJaydenn> i was amazed how shit u can be tbf
[18:01] ExLordDeath> what map
[18:01] guitaryente> Ik, man but im not yyr fuycking frnd U are just a fucking fat man omfg
[18:01] [GoD]Intrepid> walls for a change :>
[18:02] ExLordDeath> walls
[18:02] ExLordDeath> omg
[18:02] ExLordDeath> never played that
[18:02] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao kidding
[18:02] [GoD]Intrepid> jjay didnt look fat the other day lol
[18:02] [AvA]JJaydenn> lol i love making noobs mad with facts
[18:03] [AvA]JJaydenn> tell um their shit they go off on 1 cos its true :kekw:
[18:03] [AvA]JJaydenn> like koopa
[18:04] guitaryente> u just the fucking gringo who thinks he is cool
[18:04] Meph in
[18:04] [GoD]Intrepid> oh shit
[18:04] [AvA]JJaydenn> i am cool i got a bitch on the left and a bitch on the right one of them being ur mum
[18:04] [GoD]Intrepid> i see meph hosting a map already
[18:04] [AvA]JJaydenn> she on the left or right tho
[18:04] [GoD]Intrepid> with 1000 totems
[18:05] [AvA]JJaydenn> that map would of been good if the 6 didnt have totems
[18:05] [AvA]JJaydenn> like aods n shit wtf lol
[18:05] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:05] barracuda11 in
[18:05] Meph> yoooooooooo
[18:05] [GoD]Intrepid> ye and mine gave me light and erode
[18:05] Meph> hosting 2v6 here
[18:05] [GoD]Intrepid> :topkek:
[18:05] Meph> HOLY MOUNTAIN
[18:05] [GoD]Intrepid> lolllllllllllllllllllllllll
[18:05] [AvA]JJaydenn> :kekw:
[18:05] Meph> i need a 2nd big, good one preferably
[18:05] Nici in
[18:05] [GoD]Intrepid> there you go
[18:05] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:06] Meph> yo nici
[18:06] Meph> help me win a 2v6
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> unfair cuz now you know what to do
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> while i didnt :kek:
[18:06] Meph> right. "pray" :kekw:
[18:06] [AvA]JJaydenn> i wanna know what that 50 brave totem do
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> to what lmao
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> i had one totem
[18:06] barracuda11 out
[18:06] Meph> gives you balloon hut
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> which didnt give me anything for shit
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> oh wut?
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> i didnt check that
[18:06] [AvA]JJaydenn> i pinged all them totems at bk but u didnt pray um lol
[18:07] [GoD]Intrepid> ngl i was overwhelmed
[18:07] [GoD]Intrepid> with that map
[18:07] Meph> you didn't pray at like 50% of all totems
[18:07] [GoD]Intrepid> and ofc i have mag AND meph at my front
[18:07] [GoD]Intrepid> ye well i cba after i got light and erode xd
[18:07] Meph> you shat on mag and saito
[18:07] Meph> was like "wtf is happening"
[18:07] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:07] Meph> no one at front and no one charging light
[18:08] Meph> :+6:
[18:08] dictatorjulio in
[18:09] dictatorjulio out
[18:09] [GoD]Intrepid> you guys even got bloodlust
[18:09] [GoD]Intrepid> and ado
[18:09] [GoD]Intrepid> aod*
[18:09] [GoD]Intrepid> while i got my erode after erode :kek:
[18:10] Meph> you never used erode though
[18:10] [GoD]Intrepid> ye on what
[18:11] Meph> our land is super flat
[18:11] Meph> would have sunk a lot
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> idk
[18:11] Meph> exactly
[18:11] Meph> try it
[18:11] Meph> dont give up
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> i did use it tho
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> later on
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> sank a warr hut
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> yay
[18:11] Meph> sinking a warrior hut for free
[18:11] Meph> i call that a win
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:12] [GoD]Intrepid> but first i have to pass shamans
[18:12] [D]ThinkHail in
[18:15] Meph> :+6:
[18:15] Meph> any ranks welcome
[18:15] [GoD]Intrepid> hey thinkhail
[18:15] [GoD]Intrepid> join
[18:15] [D]ThinkHail> hey
[18:15] [GoD]Intrepid> time to unrust :>
[18:16] [D]ThinkHail> its been a while
[18:16] power> Meph we doing some crazy stuff again?
[18:16] [GoD]Intrepid> lol ik
[18:16] Meph> Nici JJaydenn cyborg Kick Jops dictatorjulio join
[18:16] [GoD]Intrepid> 2 yearas
[18:16] Meph> yeah doing that 2v6 again
[18:16] [GoD]Intrepid> power he is doing exact same map
[18:16] [GoD]Intrepid> i sucked yesterday
[18:16] power> oh ye oh yeee
[18:16] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:17] power> i wont be big tho
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> oh now that ik front totems dont give you shit
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> i could be big again
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[18:17] power> lolololol
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> praying for a light
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> at gargoyle
[18:17] [GoD]Intrepid> that made my day
[18:18] power> prat for blast nexf
[18:18] power> t
[18:18] [GoD]Intrepid> i thought i get smth fancy
[18:18] [GoD]Intrepid> but no
[18:18] [GoD]Intrepid> a light
[18:18] power> u open other gargoyles with that
[18:18] [Rw]Raver> lol
[18:18] Meph> ++++++++++++++++++2
[18:18] [GoD]Intrepid> ye the other one that didnt give me anything at all
[18:18] power> it goes like light torn erode fs etc etc
[18:18] [GoD]Intrepid> i had erode
[18:18] [GoD]Intrepid> plenty
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:19] [Rw]Raver> i thought u hated erode
[18:19] power> the big one gives ballon hut
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> whats even a big one
[18:19] power> the one takes 100 braves
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> out of the fuck tons of
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> totems
[18:19] power> sonething like tahy
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> and stone heds
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> heads*
[18:19] power> idk there is a stone head
[18:19] power> that need huge amounts of braves
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> loool
[18:19] power> that gives ballon hut
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> for a balloon hut
[18:19] [GoD]Intrepid> :kekw:
[18:20] power> well ballon fws can desteoy small basea
[18:20] [GoD]Intrepid> true its not revival
[18:20] [GoD]Intrepid> you can cast spells
[18:20] [GoD]Intrepid> from it
[18:20] power> yes
[18:20] power> but
[18:20] power> idk how many braves you start with?
[18:20] [GoD]Intrepid> idk i went for gargoyle instead of convertig :kek:
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> there were af fuck ton of wilds
[18:21] power> lolol
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> at this big ass mountain
[18:21] power> just make 100 wars then mag shiled
[18:21] power> open paths
[18:21] power> gg
[18:21] [GoD]Intrepid> wished i had mag shield
[18:21] power> jj had at some point
[18:21] power> u gotta pray that shit ton of things
[18:21] power> one of them gives
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> should try in beta by myself
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> every fucking totem
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> what it gives
[18:22] power> no need
[18:22] power> go to map
[18:22] power> that shows ecertyhing
[18:22] power> everything*
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> it does? :o
[18:22] power> yes ofc
[18:22] power> all maps does
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> never noticed lol
[18:22] power> how i know all those u thnik?
[18:22] power> i might be nerd vut not that much
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> no idea maybe you nerded it
[18:22] [GoD]Intrepid> with meph
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> all day
[18:23] power> kdkdkekskeksek
[18:23] power> sounds fantastic
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> lool
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> wahts the name
[18:23] power> go to game hsitroy
[18:23] power> go mine
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> can do mine as well :p
[18:23] power> sure
[18:23] power> go results
[18:23] power> then full result
[18:23] [GoD]Intrepid> ah ye holy mountain
[18:23] power> clik the map picture
[18:23] power> and you will see a list
[18:24] power> of totems
[18:24] power> that goes forever
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> too late full hut
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> gotta find out in game
[18:24] power> oghhhhh
[18:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> yoo tf lemme in garbagman took my spot
[18:24] power> i wanted to join:(
[18:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> kick him
[18:24] Meph> yoooooooooooooo
[18:24] power> next one maybe
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> take mine jjay
[18:24] Meph> too late jjay
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> go man
[18:24] [GoD]Intrepid> ill spec this
[18:24] power> Guys pm me when it finished
[18:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> lemme be big
[18:24] power> son an join
[18:24] power> for next
[18:26] Meph> :+4:
[18:26] [D]ThinkHail> my bad, tried to sort issue with the window
[18:26] [Rw]Raver> power u prob can join now
[18:27] Meph> :+3:
[18:27] rc_doom9718> hello again
[18:27] rc_doom9718> :slightly_smiling_face:
[18:27] [GoD]Intrepid> sup bro
[18:27] [AvA]JJaydenn> best hope we dont find a match garbagman cos im gonna smash u stright bk 2 single player
[18:27] power> what happened
[18:28] Power in
[18:28] Meph> Power and Intrepid join
[18:28] Power> meph
[18:28] Power> u got full hut
[18:28] Power> where did they go
[18:28] Meph> someone crashed
[18:28] Meph> ++++++++++++++++++1
[18:28] Power> ohh u are big
[18:29] Power> damm
[18:29] Power> Bianca come
[18:29] Power> lets get smahsed
[18:29] [AvA]JJaydenn> ye ally ur boy garbagman
[18:29] [GoD]Intrepid> tf gargbage isnt my boy wtf
[18:29] Meph> someone has to thank fistung for all these crazy maps
[18:29] [AvA]JJaydenn> lool
[18:30] Meph> dunno where he gets those ideas from
[18:30] Power> fist did that?
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> ofc
[18:30] Power> wow
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> classic fist map
[18:30] Power> u should see his 8p pp map
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> dude
[18:30] Power> then will say fuck that
[18:30] [AvA]JJaydenn> how do u make maps id make sick op meta maps
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> already cba reading the totems lmao
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> so many
[18:30] Power> there is a map maker
[18:30] Power> join Bianca
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> dw
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> you got nr. 1
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> nvm you dont
[18:30] Power> no
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:30] dictatorjulio in
[18:30] Power> come
[18:31] Power> we are small
[18:31] Power> wtf
[18:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> anyone wanna play real pop?
[18:31] Power> we doing
[18:31] Power> real pop
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> ye after i watch that
[18:31] [AvA]JJaydenn> oh ye guitary and garbagman :excellent:
[18:31] ExLordDeath> 3v3 isnt real pop xd
[18:31] Power> its 2v6
[18:31] Power> not 3v3
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> those can be fun
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> if its not filled with 100 totems
[18:31] dictatorjulio out
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> n shit
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> dictator is fun
[18:32] [GoD]Intrepid> or broken alliance
[18:32] Mammy_Tas> 7v1 :eyes:
[18:33] jammy> https://rb.gy/8b7kod
[18:33] jammy> pretty lady hanging out in nature
[18:34] [GoD]Intrepid> ye mammy :ohyes:
[18:34] Power> why you join
[18:34] Power> wtf
[18:34] Power> you saw map
[18:34] [GoD]Intrepid> who lol
[18:34] Power> whats wrong with you
[18:34] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[18:35] only101_tsi in
[18:35] [GoD]FreeInca> iceberg
[18:36] guitaryente in
[18:36] Dougs in
[18:37] guitaryente> Lostconecction
[18:37] guitaryente> connection
[18:37] only101_tsi out
[18:37] [GoD]FreeInca> ye
[18:37] [GoD]FreeInca> :V
[18:39] guitaryente out
[18:40] DisBiscuit in
[18:42] jammy> jammy + guitaryente vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Garbageman
[18:43] Kick> gg
[18:43] Power out
[18:43] Meph> so who left?
[18:44] [AvA]JJaydenn out
[18:44] MrSmokin_hottie26> i did
[18:45] MrSmokin_hottie26> +3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[18:48] merciless1 in
[18:50] Meph out
[18:52] [Rw]Raver> that game demoralised the whole lobby lol
[18:57] Invisible in
[19:06] christo0972 in
[19:07] adventskalender in
[19:08] adventskalender out
[19:11] christo0972> christo0972 + [Rw]Raver vs. [D]ThinkHail + [GoD]Intrepid
[19:11] [GoD]Intrepid> sure go
[19:11] christo0972> k
[19:16] Invisible out
[19:20] guitaryente> sry
[19:20] Garbageman> gg
[19:20] jammy> gg
[19:20] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg
[19:20] jammy> wp all
[19:20] Garbageman out
[19:21] Garbageman in
[19:24] DisBiscuit out
[19:27] dictatorjulio out
[19:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> jammy can i join?
[19:29] jammy> looking for relaxing kind game
[19:29] jammy> with u i will have to play fast : |
[19:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> sure im relaxed
[19:29] jammy> lol
[19:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> u can allie me play even more relaxed
[19:29] jammy> some other time
[19:30] power> can uook for relaxing game as well please
[19:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> jammy im confused
[19:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> why are u excluding me?
[19:31] power> u are too good hw
[19:31] power> thats why
[19:31] power> people cant handle you
[19:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> power
[19:32] jammy> nothing specific about u FreeMatt
[19:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> remmeber when inca held an election
[19:32] power> yes hw ?
[19:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> for the next moderator?
[19:32] power> no i wasnt here then
[19:32] Mammy_Tas> when did he do that?
[19:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> it happened power it sure did
[19:32] power> i mean
[19:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> a few years back
[19:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> it was in the forum
[19:32] power> i am pretty new here
[19:32] power> k want here
[19:32] Mammy_Tas> I was mod a few years back :kekyou:
[19:32] power> i wasnt*
[19:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> did u know who won that election?
[19:33] power> no
[19:33] power> i didnt saw that
[19:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> i won that election
[19:33] power> Dammm
[19:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> overwhelmingly
[19:33] power> Nice
[19:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> do u know who didnt become a moderator?
[19:33] power> but why arent u a mod then ?
[19:33] Mammy_Tas> Is it on the forum?
[19:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> power
[19:33] power> yes ?
[19:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> power you should ask inca
[19:33] only101_tsi in
[19:33] power> Incaaa
[19:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> becasue it isnt very clear to me either
[19:33] power> why Hw is not mod
[19:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> if everyone voted him to be mod?
[19:33] power> he has proofs that he has been chosen
[19:34] power> democratically
[19:34] power> also he kbows the game well
[19:34] Mammy_Tas> Power he is lying :D
[19:34] power> he deserves
[19:34] power> is he ?
[19:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> this guy legit posts political stuff on a discord channell but subverts his own election
[19:34] power> whatt
[19:34] Mammy_Tas> a few years back I was mod :kekw:
[19:34] power> Ok but he says he should have been
[19:34] power> guys
[19:34] power> u confused me
[19:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> liek inca will go "so n so election is rigged, certain political leader is bad"
[19:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> and then goes and cahnges his election
[19:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> to a candidate who didnt win,
[19:35] only101_tsi out
[19:35] power> thats unfair
[19:35] power> right ?
[19:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> oh it sure is power
[19:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> why u think he done that?
[19:35] power> ýýnca also deletes your points as well
[19:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> more than unfair its sjut funnny that he claims to enjoy politics
[19:36] power> he dosent aant you to go higher in rank
[19:36] power> idk why
[19:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> and takes a moral high ground in arguments abotu politics
[19:36] power> thats weird
[19:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> but he himself coudlnt even hold an election
[19:36] power> i dont understand politics but can say that there is sonething wrong
[19:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> without changign rules, disreguaring results, and putting out politcal jargon
[19:36] Mammy_Tas> Where is the results of the election Hardware :) ?
[19:36] Mammy_Tas> I cannot find it on the forums :(
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> i wont what happened tot hem
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca do u know where ur increiminating forum poll threatd went? or did someone delete thier emaisl liek hilliary clinton?
[19:37] power> wow
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca and killary, 2 peas in a pod
[19:38] power> u say he deleted them so you cant show proofs ?
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> nah i think thier still there
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> but wouldnt surprise me if he did
[19:38] power> i hope he didnt
[19:38] power> it wouldnt be good
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> theres enuff people whom i sure recall
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> plus the 80 some people who voted for me if my recolelction is correct
[19:39] power> Well i am here for relatively short time so i wont be able to remeber
[19:39] power> but ye there is people here for decades like koopa
[19:39] rc_doom9718> what happen?
[19:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> power u a silly goose
[19:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> im sure u wwere there
[19:39] power> how many years before
[19:39] power> hw
[19:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> rc doom it was an incredibly bad thing that happened
[19:39] power> exactly
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> power probably goign on a 5 years toa decade
[19:40] power> tell me a year
[19:40] power> i am here for 3 years
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> wow really?
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> powerof3?
[19:40] power> ye
[19:40] power> no
[19:40] power> i am not that
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> LOL
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> u are not the real power?
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> smh
[19:40] rc_doom9718> lol
[19:40] jammy> FreeMatt were u ever in DT clan ?
[19:41] power> real power ?
[19:41] [Rw]FreeMatt> pow3
[19:41] power> i am the power
[19:41] rc_doom9718> hey how can i create a clan for noob?
[19:41] power> no idk pow3
[19:41] power> people keep asking
[19:41] power> if i am that one
[19:41] power> but no
[19:41] power> no idea
[19:41] [Rw]FreeMatt> rc u can do that on pop reincarnated swebsite
[19:44] [Rw]Jops> https://www.popre.net/clans.php?create
[19:44] [D]Hawk_Tuah> join D it's faster easier and better (best clan atm)
[19:44] [Rw]FreeMatt> anyone remeber clan RP?
[19:44] [Rw]Jops> yes
[19:44] [Rw]FreeMatt> Royal Power
[19:44] [Rw]Jops> combination of PoP and Rw
[19:45] [Rw]Jops> it lasted like 3 months
[19:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> haha jops u were active when i tried to merge RW and PoP
[19:45] [Rw]Jops> yeah
[19:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> so sad that macca or spyro tried to ruin it
[19:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> dummies they were
[19:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> i allowed multiple people to be admins thinkign they could controll themselves
[19:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> and they went and trashed everyone
[19:45] [Rw]Jops> I don't remember why it fell apart, I just remember Dash and Bp started again and looked for a couple people, I was one of the first in, and then Gen took over
[19:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> yes it was bad man
[19:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> they jsut let the entire community join
[19:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> then they made everyone admins
[19:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> then they jsut shut it down
[19:46] [Rw]Jops> oh man
[19:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> all within lieka week of me not loging in
[19:46] [Rw]Raver> would prefer sess
[19:46] [GoD]Intrepid> gg
[19:46] [D]ThinkHail> gg
[19:47] christo0972> yr ally not noob
[19:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> come relax raver jops or jammy
[19:47] [GoD]Intrepid> i never said he is noob
[19:47] [GoD]Intrepid> but super rusty
[19:48] christo0972> let us rematch Exlord and hw
[19:48] christo0972> so rematch ?
[19:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> nah jsut get 1 more
[19:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> there we go
[19:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> who allie christo?
[19:48] [GoD]FreeInca> christo0972 + ExLordDeath vs. [Rw]FreeMatt + [GoD]FreeInca
[19:48] [Rw]Raver> i cba now lol
[19:48] TheRedPanda98 in
[19:48] ExLordDeath> i dont think i can carry that
[19:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol
[19:49] [GoD]FreeInca> yes
[19:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> ill allie christo
[19:49] ExLordDeath> alright
[19:49] [GoD]FreeInca> he is good
[19:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> jsut for the game
[19:49] [AvA]Med in
[19:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> doubt i can carry either we see
[19:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> christo can u make 3v3?
[19:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> so we can make mroe fair?
[19:49] ExLordDeath> no
[19:49] christo0972> k
[19:49] christo0972> no or yes ?
[19:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> well then garbage join
[19:50] ExLordDeath> you can do 6p but im not playing it
[19:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> cool
[19:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> garbage join
[19:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> for 2v2
[19:50] ExLordDeath> lmao
[19:50] dictatorjulio in
[19:50] ExLordDeath> how about hw and donny join me koopa
[19:50] [GoD]FreeInca> julien
[19:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> im down with that exlord
[19:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> but i doubt koopa even here
[19:51] ExLordDeath> cool
[19:51] christo0972> cool teams ty ^^
[19:51] ExLordDeath> ExLordDeath + [Rw]FreeMatt vs. [GoD]FreeInca + MrSmokin_hottie26
[19:51] ExLordDeath> if he is here
[19:51] ExLordDeath> map?
[19:51] [GoD]FreeInca> random?
[19:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> walls only
[19:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> or sess is fine
[19:51] ExLordDeath> walls is good
[19:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> ??
[19:52] [GoD]FreeInca> sure
[19:54] TheRedPanda98 out
[19:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[19:57] [AvA]Mix_J in
[19:57] [AvA]Mix_J> good evening p players
[19:58] [AvA]Mix_J> :yo:
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> hi mix
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> oh shit and hi med
[19:58] [AvA]Mix_J> hi bianca how are u?
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> welcome back
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> good and you?
[19:58] themrspysir in
[19:58] [AvA]Mix_J> fine ty lil bit sick
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> oh damn
[19:59] [AvA]Med> bonjour
[19:59] [AvA]Mix_J> med ur bananana
[19:59] [AvA]Mix_J> i remember u
[19:59] [AvA]Med> no u r
[19:59] [AvA]Mix_J> ahhah
[19:59] [Rw]Raver> mix drink salt water
[19:59] [Rw]Raver> i swear
[19:59] power> any games
[19:59] [Rw]Raver> itll fix u
[19:59] power> 1v1 ?
[19:59] [AvA]Mix_J> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH5ay10RTGY
[19:59] [AvA]Med> power ur bad at pop
[19:59] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao
[20:00] power> who is that
[20:00] [AvA]Med> games here
[20:00] [AvA]Mix_J> game here power
[20:00] [GoD]Intrepid> sponge
[20:00] [Rw]Raver> oh its sponge
[20:00] [Rw]Raver> yo man
[20:00] power> so he has some honor to talk to me
[20:00] power> how dare you
[20:00] [GoD]Intrepid> lolol
[20:00] [AvA]Med> hello
[20:00] power> joking
[20:00] power> i know ivam baf
[20:00] [AvA]Mix_J out
[20:00] power> bad*
[20:00] power> i all good tho
[20:00] [AvA]Mix_J in
[20:01] [GoD]Intrepid> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_mrkoopa26
[20:01] [GoD]Intrepid> :peped:
[20:01] power> cant watch that
[20:01] power> its unbearable
[20:01] [AvA]Med> i havent played since 2022
[20:01] [AvA]Med> wtf
[20:01] power> i prefer doing 1v1 with meph on fist crap naps
[20:01] [GoD]Intrepid> :pog:
[20:01] power> maps*
[20:02] [AvA]Mix_J> ur were fw med?
[20:02] [AvA]Mix_J> from sigma
[20:02] power> he was
[20:02] power> kinda
[20:02] [GoD]Intrepid> ye he was
[20:02] [AvA]Med> :)
[20:02] [AvA]Med> key word "was"
[20:02] [AvA]Mix_J> +2 pp
[20:02] power> only doing 1v1
[20:03] [AvA]Mix_J> damn u and ur 1v1 ;D
[20:03] [AvA]Mix_J> theres nici want 1v1
[20:03] [AvA]Mix_J> with u
[20:03] [AvA]Mix_J> he told me in pm
[20:03] [Rw]Raver> power will 1v1 anyone
[20:03] power> Nici can talk for himself
[20:04] [AvA]Med> can we atleast do walls for the first game back
[20:04] power> also i am doing qv1 with nici since i was spy
[20:04] [AvA]Mix_J> damn saturday night what a night i passed
[20:04] [AvA]Mix_J> in night club so expensive
[20:04] [AvA]Mix_J> xd
[20:04] power> which we really dont care
[20:04] power> i think
[20:04] [GoD]Intrepid> med you came back at the perfecct time in pop
[20:05] [GoD]Intrepid> 90% games is walls
[20:05] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[20:05] [Rw]Jops> sponge... why do i recognise that name so much
[20:05] [AvA]Mix_J> ahahah
[20:05] [Rw]Jops> was sponge in god...?
[20:05] [Rw]Raver> yea
[20:05] [GoD]Intrepid> yes
[20:05] power> 10 percent is 7v1 crap fun map
[20:05] [AvA]Mix_J> yes
[20:05] [AvA]Mix_J> god snipe where is
[20:05] [Rw]Jops> man, what a blast from the past
[20:05] [AvA]Med> was one of the first 5 members m8
[20:05] [AvA]Mix_J> god hanzo kotaro
[20:06] [Rw]Jops> i remember, i think i used to play with you a decent amount
[20:06] [Rw]Jops> or at least chatted shit in the lobby
[20:06] [AvA]Med> Sponge and Ahmed - the undisputed goats of NP
[20:06] [AvA]Mix_J> welcome in ava sponge
[20:07] [AvA]Mix_J> :bcipites:
[20:07] Svarog in
[20:07] [AvA]Mix_J> [d]thinkhail nice nick man
[20:07] [AvA]Mix_J> i like hailstorms :D
[20:07] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[20:08] [Rw]Jops> feels like yesterday I we were fuming at Ahmed for leaving Rw
[20:08] [AvA]Mix_J> need em for living
[20:08] [Rw]Jops> and now he rose to be the king of GoD
[20:08] [AvA]Mix_J> +2 PP
[20:08] [Rw]Jops> only... 15 years between those events
[20:08] [AvA]Mix_J> jops playing m8?
[20:08] [AvA]Med> its mental isnt it
[20:08] [AvA]Med> 2006 - 2024
[20:09] [AvA]Med> and still going for it
[20:09] [Rw]Raver> pops timeless
[20:09] [Rw]Raver> still a 10/10 banger
[20:09] [Rw]Raver> if it came out today it would get 9s and 10s in reviews
[20:09] [AvA]Med> is Leafs server still a thing?
[20:09] [Rw]Raver> yea
[20:09] [AvA]Med> is it busy?
[20:09] [Rw]Raver> apparently sometimes
[20:10] [Rw]Raver> but u can only play 1.01
[20:10] [GoD]Intrepid> leaf killed it once again
[20:10] [GoD]Intrepid> by banning people
[20:10] [GoD]Intrepid> and his attitude
[20:10] [Rw]Raver> ruling over it with an iron dildo
[20:10] [GoD]Intrepid> so i think atm its pretty dead
[20:10] [AvA]Mix_J> 1v1 med
[20:10] [AvA]Mix_J> ?
[20:10] [AvA]Med> ummmmmmmm
[20:10] [AvA]Med> ok
[20:11] [AvA]Mix_J> u will bash me as nothing
[20:11] [AvA]Mix_J> xd
[20:11] [AvA]Med> its been 2 years so who knows
[20:11] [AvA]Mix_J> try rejoin
[20:11] [AvA]Mix_J> leave hut n rejoin works
[20:12] [AvA]Mix_J> wich tribe?
[20:12] [AvA]Mix_J> red or yellow
[20:12] [AvA]Med> i dont mind
[20:27] Power in
[20:29] [GoD]FreeInca out
[20:29] Svarog out
[20:29] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[20:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> dang exlord
[20:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> when u get so good?
[20:29] ExLordDeath> ggwp
[20:29] ExLordDeath> i play alot
[20:29] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[20:29] [GoD]FreeInca in
[20:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> oh yea i forgot u fake nicker
[20:29] ExLordDeath> goodjob recovering from that early game
[20:29] ExLordDeath> not fake
[20:29] ExLordDeath> from leafs
[20:29] MrSmokin_hottie26> god dam that spic didnt do shit
[20:29] ExLordDeath> xd
[20:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea somehow my pop never went down when they attacked
[20:30] ExLordDeath> he doubled a couple times
[20:30] [GoD]FreeInca> it was fun to see hw camp
[20:30] ExLordDeath> nice
[20:30] ExLordDeath> my pop was a bit low at the beginning
[20:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> guy gave his base up u dummy
[20:30] [GoD]FreeInca> i had fun friend
[20:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> go flip a tortilla
[20:30] ExLordDeath> donny you did fine
[20:31] ExLordDeath> koopa had almost 100 more pop then hw
[20:31] [GoD]FreeInca> hw getting beaten
[20:31] ExLordDeath> and didnt finish him
[20:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> i had to help the guy
[20:31] ExLordDeath> yeah ik
[20:31] ExLordDeath> it was a gg
[20:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> cus he was geting massacred
[20:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> freeinca so mad hes tlaking shit abvotu me during lsoes lol
[20:31] ExLordDeath> your early game was deadly
[20:32] [GoD]FreeInca> i didn't play seriously
[20:32] christo0972 out
[20:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> lololol
[20:34] [GoD]Intrepid> just that you know hw, i do 4v4 fensalir
[20:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> why host differnet game when im hosting?
[20:35] [GoD]Intrepid> cuz i want 4v4 fensalir
[20:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> when theres currently 4 people at msot playing
[20:35] [GoD]Intrepid> i learned to be patient
[20:35] [GoD]FreeInca> i don't see the map as big, i see it the same
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> why dont u go back to afk?
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> so i can launch another game
[20:36] [GoD]Intrepid> you can try
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> leave teh fuckign hut
[20:36] Power> any 1v1?
[20:36] [GoD]Intrepid> no :peped:
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> k lets teh 4 of wait for a 4v4 when we have a 2v2 or maybe 3v3
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> seems legit
[20:36] [GoD]Intrepid> why do you cry go host your 2v2
[20:37] Power> well i will go sleep sonn come here for a 1v1 but there is no
[20:37] Power> so i saw B waiting there alone
[20:37] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[20:37] Power> and joined
[20:37] [GoD]Intrepid> med might do 1v1
[20:37] [GoD]Intrepid> after his game
[20:37] [GoD]Intrepid> ?
[20:37] Power> to make hut look full so mabe people come
[20:37] Power> it worked as well
[20:37] [GoD]Intrepid> it worked :kek:
[20:38] Power> maybe he does
[20:38] Power> not sure he is ready tho
[20:38] Power> must be rusty as hell
[20:38] [AsG]Manl1 in
[20:40] ExLordDeath> is med good?
[20:40] Power> he is
[20:40] Power> depends what u call as good
[20:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> koopa rematch?
[20:40] ExLordDeath> i want to 1v1 him then
[20:40] [GoD]Intrepid> why dont you 1v1 power?
[20:40] Power> i would like o 1v1 you
[20:40] Power> yes exactly
[20:41] Power> Good one B
[20:41] [GoD]Intrepid> med game might take a while
[20:41] ExLordDeath> i want 2v2 rn
[20:41] ExLordDeath> i didnt mean 1v1 rn
[20:41] ExLordDeath> just at somepoint
[20:41] Power> i didnt rn either
[20:41] ExLordDeath> we can 2v2 power?
[20:41] ExLordDeath> unless u want 8p
[20:41] ExLordDeath> fen 8p sounds fun
[20:41] Power> hw and koopa too good
[20:41] [GoD]FreeInca> hw watching you camp doesn't amuse me
[20:41] Power> i cant paly against them
[20:41] [GoD]FreeInca> boring
[20:41] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[20:41] ExLordDeath> power
[20:41] Power> ?
[20:41] ExLordDeath> what r u on about
[20:41] only101_tsi in
[20:41] Power> what u mean
[20:41] [AsG]Manl1 in
[20:41] Power> ?
[20:41] ExLordDeath> u arent bad lol
[20:42] Power> dude i always say that things
[20:42] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[20:42] Power> to piss ff koopa
[20:42] Power> lol
[20:42] ExLordDeath> lol
[20:42] Power> hw is good tho
[20:42] [GoD]FreeInca> yes good
[20:42] ExLordDeath> yeah he is
[20:42] Power> see
[20:42] Power> u guys know as well
[20:43] [AsG]Manl1> hej
[20:43] [GoD]Intrepid> hi
[20:43] Power> yoo manl1
[20:43] Power> syp dude
[20:43] Power> sup*
[20:43] HagaChan in
[20:43] [AsG]Manl1> im good
[20:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> i aint doin 8p fens join up
[20:43] [AsG]Manl1> just coming home from tennis
[20:43] Dougs out
[20:43] Plumbum_Moa in
[20:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> cbfd dealing with beaners too
[20:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> manu i love playing tennis!
[20:44] [AsG]Manl1> tennis might be the best
[20:44] [AsG]Manl1> 3
[20:44] [AsG]Manl1> <3
[20:44] [Rw]FreeMatt> i lvoe lvoe love it
[20:44] [Rw]FreeMatt> who did u play with?
[20:44] [AsG]Manl1> i'm in a tennis club
[20:44] [AsG]Manl1> so people from the club
[20:44] HagaChan> hello
[20:44] Power> i like table tennis
[20:44] [AsG]Manl1> first 1 hour of trraining
[20:44] [GoD]Intrepid> me too power
[20:44] only101_tsi out
[20:44] [AsG]Manl1> then tw sets of doubles
[20:44] [AsG]Manl1> table tennis is great too
[20:45] Power> never tried normal tennis but looks so tiring
[20:45] [AsG]Manl1> its fucking exhausting
[20:45] [AsG]Manl1 out
[20:45] [AsG]Manl1> but you get a lot of breaks
[20:45] Power> table tennis is more tactical i would say
[20:45] Power> idk
[20:45] [AsG]Manl1> haha tennis can be VERY tactical
[20:45] Power> i know
[20:45] Power> ofc it is
[20:45] [AsG]Manl1> you need a bit of skill before you get there tho
[20:45] Power> well in everysport you need that i suppose
[20:46] [AsG]Manl1> you playing on sand hw?
[20:46] [AsG]Manl1> or solid courts?
[20:46] [AsG]Manl1> the US open ones
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> never played on sand or clay on asphalt
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> only
[20:46] [AsG]Manl1> ahh
[20:46] [AsG]Manl1> i'm a clay player
[20:46] [AsG]Manl1> mostly
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> would be much nicer on the joints to paly on grass!
[20:50] Nah_Id_Win out
[20:50] [AvA]Med> gg
[20:50] [AvA]Mix_J> fkingmouse
[20:50] dictatorjulio out
[20:50] [AvA]Mix_J> gg wp
[20:51] Power out
[20:51] [GoD]Intrepid> gn power
[20:51] [AvA]Mix_J> ure strong med
[20:51] [AvA]Mix_J> was tiring
[20:52] ExLordDeath> did u win mix
[20:52] [AvA]Mix_J> no
[20:52] power> misclicked
[20:52] [AvA]Mix_J> hes good
[20:52] power> gn guys
[20:52] power> Gn B
[20:52] [AvA]Mix_J> gn pow
[20:52] power> :slightly_smiling_face:
[20:52] ExLordDeath> gn
[20:52] [AvA]Mix_J> med has nice shaman skill
[20:52] merciless1 out
[20:52] [AvA]Mix_J> have
[20:53] [AvA]Mix_J> gn all guys time film
[20:53] [GoD]Intrepid> gn
[20:53] [AvA]Mix_J out
[20:53] dictatorjulio in
[20:54] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[20:54] Invisible in
[20:54] HagaChan out
[20:55] HagaChan in
[20:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> garbage
[20:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> can i request a map
[20:56] merciless1 in
[20:59] [Rw]Jops> what happened there
[20:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> ?
[21:00] Invisible out
[21:00] Invisible in
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> gabr you there
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> trashman
[21:00] [AvA]Med> true
[21:01] Garbageman> ye
[21:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> plus 1
[21:02] [GoD]Intrepid> lol jobs
[21:02] [GoD]Intrepid> jops*
[21:02] MrSmokin_hottie26> me n manl1
[21:02] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhk it
[21:02] [GoD]Intrepid out
[21:03] Snepschi in
[21:05] only101_tsi in
[21:06] OlafTheRocket in
[21:07] only101_tsi out
[21:07] [GoD]Intrepid in
[21:07] [AvA]Soma- in
[21:07] [GoD]Intrepid> oh wtf
[21:10] [AvA]Soma-> +1
[21:11] [AvA]Soma-> bianca join
[21:12] Saito_Vdm in
[21:12] [AvA]Soma-> ++1
[21:13] Saito_Vdm> y mañana, mañana, ya será un día muy triste
[21:13] Saito_Vdm> porque tu re iras, y no volveras ya jamas a mi lado
[21:13] Snepschi out
[21:13] HagaChan> why cant someone download the map packs?
[21:13] Snepschi in
[21:14] Saito_Vdm> y mañana mañana sera un día muy triste, porque el sueño de amor, que teniamos tu y yo ahora lo has despertado
[21:14] [AvA]Mibbel in
[21:15] Snepschi out
[21:15] Snepschi in
[21:15] Snepschi out
[21:16] only101_tsi in
[21:17] lightworrior in
[21:17] lightworrior out
[21:18] Snepschi in
[21:18] only101_tsi out
[21:18] Mammy_Tas> gnight all :)
[21:18] Mammy_Tas out
[21:18] [GoD]Intrepid> gn mammy
[21:19] Snepschi> gn
[21:29] Snepschi out
[21:32] HagaChan out
[21:36] HagaChan in
[21:36] Snepschi in
[21:39] O-Ren_TSI in
[21:39] MrSmokin_hottie26> ahhhh that was a nice ass win
[21:39] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[21:39] [AsG]Manl1> :pepedance:
[21:39] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[21:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> sorry bella
[21:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> do 6 player
[21:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> koopa wanna play?
[21:40] only101_tsi in
[21:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> ice join we never play trogether
[21:40] Invisible> gg
[21:40] Garbageman> gg
[21:40] [AsG]Manl1> no rants on how bad i play this time
[21:40] [AsG]Manl1> you not feeling well koopa?
[21:41] Invisible> nice carry garbage
[21:41] [Rw]Jops> that was fucking terrible
[21:41] [Rw]Jops> sorry sponge
[21:41] [AvA]Med> all good
[21:41] [Rw]Jops> i couldnt land a single light
[21:41] [Rw]Jops> aim? miss
[21:41] HagaChan out
[21:41] [Rw]Jops> s click? miss
[21:41] [Rw]FreeMatt> wanyone else want in?
[21:42] [AvA]Med> sure
[21:42] [AvA]Med> ill do 4's hw
[21:42] [Rw]Jops> jesus invis with the carry
[21:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> jump in spoge
[21:42] [Rw]Jops> garbage went 13 and 19
[21:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> dam hw u like that lil double
[21:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> i think clan ava is dead
[21:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> wanan join rw?
[21:42] [SW]Fried_Rice> u could just do a 3v3
[21:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> can u say fhking ownd??
[21:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> koopa on fire
[21:42] [Rw]Jops> the amount of troops i just ran into an fs
[21:42] [GoD]FreeInca> :O basement
[21:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> also meds s clicks didnt miss once lol
[21:43] O-Ren_TSI> when ava is dead why did jjadyen changed to it?
[21:43] only101_tsi out
[21:43] O-Ren_TSI> *change
[21:43] jammy> is Rw recruiting?
[21:43] [AvA]Med> is jayden still a cunt?
[21:43] [GoD]FreeInca out
[21:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol best is broken
[21:43] [Rw]Jops> why you interested big jams
[21:44] [GoD]FreeInca in
[21:44] jammy> would like to join Rw maybe
[21:44] [Rw]FreeMatt> u should jammy
[21:44] [GoD]Intrepid> bigbang always has been in RW
[21:44] [Rw]FreeMatt> u proo
[21:44] [GoD]Intrepid> so let him in already
[21:44] [GoD]spinnifix> Game ?
[21:45] [AvA]Med> spinnifi
[21:45] jammy> big respect to gen and addi
[21:45] [AvA]Med> fuck u
[21:45] [GoD]spinnifix> Wow
[21:45] [GoD]spinnifix> Sponge
[21:45] [GoD]spinnifix> Ok
[21:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> jammy what abotu big respect to hw?
[21:45] jammy> who is hw
[21:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> rw's msot played and skilled player
[21:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> me
[21:45] [GoD]FreeInca> one more spinn
[21:45] jammy> yeah u good
[21:46] [GoD]FreeInca> pro game
[21:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> im king of rw
[21:46] [Rw]Jops> could speak to Karma or get Gene to make me admin and open it up
[21:46] MrSmokin_hottie26> karma suckd ass
[21:46] jammy> didnt know Karma's around
[21:46] MrSmokin_hottie26> only gene was gud
[21:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> jops is my lil guard dog
[21:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> only hw
[21:46] [Rw]Jops> i dont even like you
[21:46] MrSmokin_hottie26> that goes without sayin
[21:46] MrSmokin_hottie26> :kek:
[21:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> hes a nasty lil jops
[21:47] [Rw]Jops> thats true
[21:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> get um boy
[21:47] [Rw]Jops> hahah
[21:47] jammy> idk why this Intrepid and other guy joz keep calling me bigbang every now and then
[21:47] jammy> but i am not him/her
[21:47] [GoD]Intrepid> ye keep acting dumb
[21:47] [AvA]Med> thought bigbang died
[21:47] jammy> oh sad
[21:47] MrSmokin_hottie26> everyone that disappears for 2+ years is ded
[21:47] MrSmokin_hottie26> thats how mm sees it
[21:48] [AvA]Med> i am not dead
[21:48] [Rw]Jops> jammy doesnt even speak like bigbang its so annoying
[21:48] O-Ren_TSI> lol
[21:48] [AvA]Med> what about tubby tund
[21:48] MrSmokin_hottie26> ur the exception :shrug:
[21:48] [Rw]Jops> I can only assume those who think hes big back are retarded
[21:48] MrSmokin_hottie26> wtf
[21:48] MrSmokin_hottie26> +2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[21:48] [Rw]Jops> they probably also believe australia doesnt exist and the earth is flat
[21:49] [Rw]Jops> I never had Bian down as a flat earther but here we are
[21:49] [GoD]Intrepid> :shrug:
[21:49] jammy> i think whoever believes i am bigbang must be a flat earther
[21:49] [AvA]Med> hard wear
[21:49] [AvA]Med> it is 2 v 2
[21:49] [AvA]Med> two vs two
[21:49] MrSmokin_hottie26> do 3 v 3
[21:49] dictatorjulio out
[21:49] MrSmokin_hottie26> just w8 for the folks to join up
[21:50] only101_tsi in
[21:50] only101_tsi out
[21:52] dictatorjulio in
[21:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhk it 2 v 2 me n med
[21:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> pp
[21:53] [AvA]Med> good night
[21:53] [AvA]Med out
[21:53] [GoD]Intrepid> gn
[21:53] [GoD]FreeInca> :V
[21:54] Saito_Vdm> man ossur
[21:54] cyborg> thanks for the carry :D
[21:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> ossurs a beast :hypers:
[21:54] Saito_Vdm> i was about to surrender when u got doubled mate
[21:54] [AvA]Soma-> really lucky
[21:54] [AvA]Soma-> my eqs were shits
[21:54] Saito_Vdm> we won cuz of your resiliance
[21:54] jammy> jammy + [GoD]FreeInca vs. [GoD]Intrepid + Invisible
[21:54] cyborg> they waste all their spells on my base
[21:54] [AvA]Soma-> you won cause 1 eqs destroyed all my base
[21:54] cyborg> but have no defence
[21:54] [GoD]FreeInca> its pp?
[21:54] [AvA]Soma-> luckily
[21:54] cyborg> in somas case
[21:55] jammy> idm any
[21:55] [GoD]Intrepid> yea like i am up for your noob bash bigbang
[21:55] [AvA]Soma-> i had 4 towers
[21:55] cyborg> im building my own pc
[21:55] [AvA]Soma-> you were sjust lucky
[21:55] [GoD]FreeInca> damn bianca
[21:55] [AvA]Soma-> gg
[21:55] jammy> ?
[21:55] jammy> i am priest
[21:55] [GoD]FreeInca> stop left
[21:55] LoryMyto in
[21:55] Saito_Vdm> gg
[21:55] jammy> how can i noobash shaman
[21:55] LoryMyto out
[21:55] [GoD]Intrepid> cuz you arent preacher and i am not shaman
[21:56] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[21:56] jammy> i miss Semishaman
[21:56] O-Ren_TSI> shaman -
[21:56] [GoD]FreeInca> i was going to play with 300 ping
[21:56] [GoD]Intrepid> ennoy
[21:56] [GoD]Intrepid> enjoy*
[21:56] jammy> Intrepid can host
[21:56] [GoD]FreeInca> ill go to the basement
[21:57] [GoD]FreeInca> she does not want to play
[21:57] [GoD]FreeInca> me and brandy?
[21:59] Invisible> wow now suddenly I'm a noob, usually I'm called a good player instead. I can only find these trolls on mm
[21:59] dictatorjulio out
[21:59] Invisible> you see soma? told you mm like to troll me
[21:59] [Rw]Jops> i think your a baller invis
[21:59] [Rw]Jops> shit username, but a baller
[21:59] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + Garbageman vs. O-Ren_TSI + Invisible
[22:01] [GoD]FreeInca out
[22:07] [D]Jozef in
[22:08] rc_doom9718 in
[22:08] [D]Jozef> hi doom
[22:08] rc_doom9718> hello
[22:08] rc_doom9718 out
[22:08] rc_doom9718 in
[22:08] lebannen in
[22:08] rc_doom9718> how are you?
[22:08] rc_doom9718> i rank up
[22:08] [D]Jozef> not bad, hbu?
[22:08] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:08] rc_doom9718> im spy now
[22:09] [D]Jozef> whoaaa
[22:09] [D]Jozef> nice spy :peped:
[22:09] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:09] rc_doom9718> im surprise
[22:09] [D]Jozef> im not
[22:09] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:09] [D]Jozef> you make good decisions in game
[22:09] [D]Jozef> which is hard for newer players
[22:09] [D]Jozef> soon once you get the other stuff down youll be war i think
[22:10] rc_doom9718> will see
[22:10] rc_doom9718> so 1 question
[22:10] [D]Jozef> dont let me down :monkastab:
[22:10] rc_doom9718> how can i select a afk units without open population menu?
[22:10] [D]Jozef> you can click n drag your light
[22:10] rc_doom9718> click units?
[22:10] [D]Jozef> theres a way to assign a key
[22:11] [D]Jozef> that will control a group of say wars
[22:11] [D]Jozef> so when you hit the 1 key it grabs them again
[22:11] [D]Jozef> but idk how to do this
[22:11] [D]Jozef> you see im just mid :kekw:
[22:11] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:11] [Rw]Raver> do u have a key assigned to shaman select
[22:11] rc_doom9718> ues
[22:11] [Rw]Raver> because it doesn't work for me
[22:11] rc_doom9718> yes
[22:11] [Rw]Raver> how did u make it work
[22:11] rc_doom9718> i have
[22:11] [Rw]Raver> :O
[22:12] rc_doom9718> just assign this key `
[22:12] [D]Jozef> i select shaman with my mouse always
[22:12] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:12] [Rw]Raver> yea same but i feel like i could transcend that
[22:12] [D]Jozef> i also always grab spells myself
[22:12] [GoD]Intrepid> good old 1.01 gameplay
[22:12] rc_doom9718> i have key for blast, light, convert, insect plage
[22:12] rc_doom9718> landbridge
[22:13] rc_doom9718> eaq
[22:13] [GoD]spinnifix in
[22:13] [D]Jozef> see you will grow quickly with that
[22:13] [D]Jozef> doom
[22:13] rc_doom9718> yes
[22:13] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:13] [D]Jozef> pros took forever to master not being able to do that
[22:13] rc_doom9718> i have key for buildings too
[22:13] [D]Jozef> in our old version there were no key bindings
[22:13] rc_doom9718> yeah
[22:13] [Rw]Raver> and we liked it
[22:13] rc_doom9718> very hard
[22:13] [Rw]Raver> *old man voice*
[22:13] [D]Jozef> no i hated it
[22:13] [D]Jozef> old version garbage doo doo
[22:14] merciless1> :howdy: spin
[22:14] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:14] rc_doom9718> old version its too hard
[22:14] rc_doom9718> ill check if i can select afk units without open population menu
[22:14] rc_doom9718> anyone know that?
[22:15] [D]Jozef out
[22:15] [GoD]Intrepid> i dont use many hotkeys
[22:15] [D]Jozef in
[22:15] [GoD]Intrepid> so no idea
[22:15] [D]Jozef> let me see
[22:15] [D]Jozef> if i can find what im talking about
[22:15] [D]Jozef> with assigning a number key to a group
[22:15] jammy> let spin host?
[22:17] [GoD]spinnifix> :howdy:
[22:18] jammy out
[22:18] [D]Jozef> dooom
[22:18] [D]Jozef> if you select 5 braves
[22:19] [D]Jozef> then shift click number 1-6
[22:19] [D]Jozef> it will assign them to that command group
[22:19] [D]Jozef> so if you click the cooresponding number again
[22:19] [D]Jozef> it will automatically select those 5 wars
[22:19] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[22:19] [D]Jozef> oh he in game
[22:19] [GoD]Intrepid> ye
[22:19] [GoD]Intrepid> trying things i guess
[22:20] [Rw]Raver> damn thats cool though
[22:20] rc_doom9718> i see that
[22:20] rc_doom9718> but not found select afk units
[22:20] [Rw]Raver> i wonder how well ill be able to incorporate that into my shift click all troops on enemy shaman strat
[22:20] [D]Jozef> no select afk units from follower panel
[22:21] [D]Jozef> or manually by your god light
[22:21] ampra31 in
[22:21] [D]Jozef> you need to get used to using the follower panel anyway
[22:21] rc_doom9718> without use followers panel
[22:21] [D]Jozef> its valuable for sending wars out as well
[22:21] [Rw]Raver> maybe doom will find a new way
[22:22] [D]Jozef> select 10 then deselect one at a time clicking a new destination for each
[22:22] rc_doom9718> maybe raver
[22:22] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:22] [D]Jozef> https://www.popre.net/forum/general-shortcuts-and-hotkeys-t156.html
[22:22] [D]Jozef> read down to what incawarrior says
[22:22] [D]Jozef> that tells you all the default hotkeys anyway
[22:22] Saito_Vdm> me tiro a la calle a caminar esta tristesa
[22:23] Saito_Vdm> voy a dejar que corra libre un manantial de corazon
[22:23] [D]Jozef> i did not realize shift leftclick building removes one follower from building
[22:24] rc_doom9718> what means autocast?
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> lol i use that
[22:24] rc_doom9718> estas poeta saito
[22:24] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> joseph
[22:24] rc_doom9718> i use that too
[22:24] rc_doom9718> shitft click on building
[22:24] [D]Jozef> ye i never knew
[22:24] [D]Jozef> i originally play on ps1
[22:24] [D]Jozef> there triangle did 90% of the shit lol
[22:25] rc_doom9718> maybe change hotkeys panel cause ins home and pageup too far for main keys
[22:25] rc_doom9718> let me try
[22:26] [Rw]Raver> doom is here to revolutionize pop
[22:26] [D]Jozef> in doom we trust
[22:27] [Rw]Raver> fr
[22:28] [D]Jozef> if you get good doom, i want 30% of any logs you win on match bets
[22:28] [D]Jozef> actually want to try the command group
[22:30] [D]Jozef out
[22:30] [D]Jozef in
[22:31] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:31] rc_doom9718> i try in a real game
[22:31] [D]Jozef> I just tested seems easy enoguh
[22:31] [D]Jozef> ima use it
[22:32] rc_doom9718> command groups?
[22:32] [D]Jozef> ye
[22:32] [GoD]spinnifix out
[22:32] [D]Jozef> Mike is not here you nerds
[22:32] [D]Jozef> waiting on false hope
[22:32] Luxray in
[22:32] rc_doom9718> before found shaman select hotkey i use command group to select shaman but when she die you must re assign again lol
[22:33] [Rw]Raver> who tf is mike
[22:33] [Rw]Raver> hw?
[22:33] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:33] [D]Jozef> ye
[22:33] [D]Jozef> i collect pop names
[22:34] rc_doom9718> who is hw?
[22:34] [D]Jozef> freematt is hw
[22:34] rc_doom9718> oh
[22:34] [D]Jozef> he prob playing is cartoon fighting game
[22:34] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[22:34] rc_doom9718> hw=hard wear
[22:35] jammy in
[22:36] rc_doom9718> jozef how can i open my upd port 7575?
[22:36] rc_doom9718> udp*
[22:36] [D]Jozef> hmm idk if its different for you with internet being a newer thing
[22:36] [D]Jozef> but try to search online for "how to forward port with (internet provider name)
[22:37] [D]Jozef> that should tell you step by step how to forward to 7575 udp
[22:37] rc_doom9718> ok
[22:37] [D]Jozef> but be mindfull, many players are queens about ping
[22:37] [D]Jozef> and you might give higher ping than others
[22:37] [Rw]Raver> anything over 130 is nightmares
[22:38] [D]Jozef> see thats your typical euro reply
[22:38] [Rw]Raver> :>
[22:38] [D]Jozef> im ok with anything below 240 tbh
[22:38] [Rw]Raver> thats completely insane
[22:38] [D]Jozef> with some lag you can exploit
[22:38] [D]Jozef> for your lights and blasts
[22:38] rc_doom9718> i play with 300
[22:38] rc_doom9718> lol
[22:39] [D]Jozef> yes that means you prob give 300 as host lol
[22:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> sup joe
[22:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> sup leb
[22:39] [D]Jozef> hey hw
[22:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> jammy lemme in please
[22:39] [GoD]Intrepid> yu had game hw
[22:40] [D]Jozef> you had full hut for like 20 mins
[22:40] [D]Jozef> btw xD
[22:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea was playing another game
[22:40] [D]Jozef> :yikes:
[22:40] ampra31 out
[22:40] rc_doom9718> wtf i have now 359
[22:40] rc_doom9718> impossible
[22:40] [GoD]Intrepid> cuba and india are far
[22:40] [GoD]Intrepid> from each other
[22:40] [D]Jozef> ye
[22:40] [GoD]Intrepid> no wonder
[22:41] [D]Jozef> doom is my favorite new player since bianca :monkastab:
[22:41] [GoD]Intrepid> :pepelove:
[22:42] themrspysir out
[22:43] [AsG]Manl1> Joseph is my favorite player
[22:43] [AsG]Manl1> :pepelove:
[22:43] [D]Jozef> :monkamega:
[22:43] [D]Jozef> :monkastab:
[22:43] [AsG]Manl1> he can be a bit toxic sometimes.
[22:43] [AsG]Manl1> :D
[22:44] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[22:44] [Rw]Jops out
[22:47] Invisible> ggwp everyone
[22:47] [AvA]Soma- out
[22:47] Maganha_OP in
[22:47] Invisible> oren you did very nice
[22:47] [D]Jozef> hi Brandy
[22:47] [D]Jozef> you angel child
[22:47] Invisible> sup joseph
[22:48] Invisible> lool
[22:48] O-Ren_TSI> I hate this so much when he hosts and suddenly something happens when enemies were winning
[22:48] [D]Jozef> nm hbu?
[22:48] Invisible> same
[22:48] [D]Jozef> who host oren?
[22:48] O-Ren_TSI> soma
[22:48] [D]Jozef> no comment
[22:48] Invisible> i love hove i froyed and then you random had a voc in your base lmao
[22:48] Garbageman> +2
[22:48] Invisible> how*
[22:48] Invisible> how it frozed***
[22:49] [D]Jozef> soma has aweful host anyway
[22:49] [D]Jozef> imo
[22:49] Invisible> normally im ok with his host but today i had some lags
[22:49] Invisible> nvm
[22:50] Invisible> gn everyone
[22:50] [D]Jozef> gn
[22:50] Invisible out
[22:50] O-Ren_TSI> ye but something there are these "unpredicted heavy lags" when enemies enter base you know
[22:50] [D]Jozef> yes i know exactly what you mean oren
[22:50] [D]Jozef> almost deliberate
[22:50] cyborg> on somas host yes
[22:50] [D]Jozef> thats why i opt to not play on his host anymore
[22:50] [D]Jozef> it rages me
[22:51] [D]Jozef> but also maybe i have anger issues lol
[22:51] cyborg> let it all out
[22:51] HagaChan in
[22:51] HagaChan out
[22:52] O-Ren_TSI> lol ossur
[22:52] merciless1 out
[22:52] O-Ren_TSI> ye will host too in future
[22:52] [D]Jozef> unless its some weird italy host thing
[22:52] cyborg> lol i can host but not all people
[22:53] [D]Jozef> but its often at worse times
[22:53] [D]Jozef> for me tho distance can be blamed
[22:53] [D]Jozef> not for you though oren
[22:53] cyborg> theres no magic
[22:53] cyborg> im watching video on how to make a pc
[22:53] O-Ren_TSI> well im from germany and italy isnt far away
[22:53] cyborg> bbl
[22:53] O-Ren_TSI> I never had problems with his host
[22:54] [D]Jozef> thats what i mean
[22:54] [D]Jozef> byw ossur
[22:54] [D]Jozef> bye
[22:54] [GoD]Intrepid> somas host is not the best even i lag
[22:54] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[22:54] Maganha_OP> 2v2 oren
[22:54] Garbageman> 2v2
[22:54] [D]Jozef> me n manu join
[22:54] O-Ren_TSI> ye but these lags often appear when a game changing situation occurs
[22:55] [D]Jozef> like a lag switch or something :monkahmm:
[22:55] O-Ren_TSI> so hilarious
[22:55] cyborg> i used to think i controle the world when i was a kid
[22:55] cyborg> now i know it was just a psychosis
[22:55] cyborg> :(
[22:55] [D]Jozef> :feelsbadman:
[22:55] [GoD]Intrepid> yes feezes
[22:55] Snepschi out
[22:55] [D]Jozef> you are the avatar ossur
[22:56] [GoD]Intrepid out
[22:56] [D]Jozef> gn bian
[22:56] [D]Jozef> go 2v2
[22:56] [D]Jozef> ill spec
[22:56] [AsG]Manl1> same
[22:56] O-Ren_TSI> 3 wars and 1 fw
[22:56] [AsG]Manl1> :o
[22:56] O-Ren_TSI> so balanced :nice:
[22:56] O-Ren_TSI> i know mag
[22:56] [D]Jozef> oren you are closer to maganha
[22:56] Maganha_OP> im shit nowdays
[22:56] [D]Jozef> than warrior
[22:56] [D]Jozef> lol
[22:56] Maganha_OP> dw
[22:57] Plumbum_Moa out
[22:57] OlafTheRocket out
[23:03] Luxray out
[23:08] [GoD]FreeInca in
[23:09] Maganha_OP> ?
[23:09] [D]Jozef> did oren rage
[23:09] [D]Jozef> lol
[23:09] O-Ren_TSI> no
[23:09] O-Ren_TSI> red left
[23:09] [D]Jozef> oh
[23:09] [D]Jozef> garbage rage
[23:09] O-Ren_TSI> lagged out
[23:09] O-Ren_TSI> i think
[23:09] Maganha_OP> yh
[23:10] [AsG]Manl1 out
[23:10] [D]Jozef> raged out
[23:10] [D]Jozef> damn
[23:11] [AsG]Manl1 in
[23:13] Garbageman in
[23:13] O-Ren_TSI> gn
[23:13] O-Ren_TSI out
[23:14] Garbageman out
[23:15] [D]Jozef> [D]Jozef + Maganha_OP vs. [Rw]FreeMatt + lebannen
[23:15] [D]Jozef> map ok?
[23:15] [Rw]Raver out
[23:15] [D]Jozef> or walls
[23:15] Maganha_OP> sess?
[23:15] jammy> gg
[23:15] [D]Jozef> or what
[23:15] [D]Jozef> idc
[23:16] rc_doom9718> gg wp
[23:16] Maganha_OP> idk
[23:16] rc_doom9718> well we try
[23:16] [D]Jozef> nice try doom
[23:16] Maganha_OP> map hw
[23:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> this works
[23:18] Saito_Vdm> :kiss;
[23:18] Saito_Vdm> :kiss:
[23:24] [GoD]FreeInca out
[23:24] jammy out
[23:32] [Rw]Ninety in
[23:36] rc_doom9718 out
[23:39] Shimaga in
[23:46] [Rw]Ninety out
[23:47] Shakur in
[23:48] Shakur> putain c fait longtemps
[23:48] Shimaga> exageee
[23:48] Shimaga> ca se passe tes vacs.??
[23:48] Shakur> ouai zinc et toi
[23:49] Shakur> +1
[23:49] Shimaga> ca va magnifique
[23:49] Shimaga> je rentre dmn sa mere
[23:49] Shimaga> je vais fumer une ciggg
[23:49] Shimaga> on fait anp??
[23:49] Shakur> aiie c mechant le retour :)
[23:50] Shimaga> exaggggg
[23:51] Saito_Vdm out
[23:51] Garbageman out
[23:51] Garbageman in
[23:55] Shimaga> 1v1v1??
[23:56] Shimaga> +1
[23:57] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[23:57] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[23:59] cyborg> the drug addict is part of you, its not separate from your brain, it is your brain, so the porblem is not to quitt drugs, it is to revocer your old self